Course Description:
Gunfighting is the “American Martial Art”. Our country developed around the advent of firearms and as such, its people became proficient in their use, oftentimes to the exclusion of other means of protection. K&B, LLC recognizes the firearm is not always the appropriate protection choice and its use is not always justifiable. To that end, we have developed Martial Gunfighting to bridge the gap between modern use of firearms and less-than-lethal protection options.
This course is based on a 20 hour curriculum (2 hours/week) designed to create understanding and proficiency around the multiple facets of personal protection. These facets are based on the Use of Force Spectrum including self and situational awareness, evasion and escape, deescalation, physical force, intermediate force, and lethal force. It is the intent of this course to not only go into detail on these items, but to instill in the trainee the ability to fluidly transition from one facet to another as a protection situation may devolve. Students will receive lecture on multiple protection topics, then practice multiple physical-force applications around deescalation, striking and grappling, weapon applications and defenses, weapon retention and disarms, and shooting applications.
Course Details:
- An Introduction Packet will be set to you upon registration.
- This course is moderately physically demanding. You will not be asked to push harder than you can.
- This course includes mild stress induction.
- Live blades and weapons are not permitted in the training area.
- Trainees will be expected to sign a waiver to partake in class.
- A training certificate will be provided upon course completion. Please email K&B staff at upon enrollment with your name the way you would like it to appear on your certificate.
Trainee Considerations:
- Trainee must be at least 21 years old.
- All trainees are expected to demonstrate care, consideration, engagement in a safety mindset, and the respect and responsibility expected of training with dangerous items.
- Before class, trainees should know and instinctively and actively practice the 4 rules of firearm safety. In other words, this level of safety should be ‘built in’ consciously and subconsciously in your actions and practice.
- PREREQUISITE: Keep and Bear LLC Essential Handgun, NRA Basic Pistol, or similar formal coursework or commensurate experience.
- PREREQUISITE: Keep and Bear LLC Michigan Concealed Pistol, NRA Personal Protection in the Home, or similar formal coursework.
- PREREQUISITE: Keep and Bear LLC Intermediate Handgun 1, Keep and Bear LLC Intermediate Module Draw From Holster, or equivalent formal training.
Equipment Considerations:
- Trainees are required to have a holster for their firearm. Because of the 1:1 nature of this course, cross draw and shoulder holsters are permitted.
- If applicable, trainees should have a purposefully manufactured gun belt (a belt from Kohl’s is not sturdy enough!).
- Trainees must have eye protection and hearing protection. Electronic hearing protection is recommended.
- Trainee is recommended (not required) to have a BlueGun training gun emulating their daily carry handgun.
- Recommended: Airsoft pistol similar to your daily carry firearm.
- Recommended: Airsoft supplies (magazines, propellant, projectiles).
- Trainees should bring clothing appropriate for the weather (this course includes range training taking place outdoors). This includes wide brim hat for sun, temperature-appropriate clothing, and footwear suitable for potentially muddy conditions. Female trainees should wear a high collar shirt so that ejected hot brass does not go places it shouldn’t.
- Training weapons (knives, tomahawks, or blue guns) will be provided by Keep and Bear LLC for use during this course.
- Trainees should bring significant hydration due to the strenuousness of this class.
- Trainees should bring note taking materials.
- Trainees should wear loose, comfortable clothing suitable to a moderate workout. Jewelry must be removed before training begins.
- Course is held in Brighton, MI at a private facility.
- Adding this class to training cart and checking out is registration. Payment is expected at the time of registration.
- Please contact Donald Alley with any questions (734) 646-3584 or
- Please read Terms and Conditions upon checkout.
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