Welcome to the Keep and Bear, LLC 30 Day Preparedness Challenge! We are on Day 7. If you are just joining us, please go to the intro post to learn more.
The purpose of this ‘challenge’ is to provide a paced and measured plan to fulfill some basic family preparedness needs. These needs are real-world, and applicable to the average family.
The below headings are the main survival priorities.
Positive Mental Attitude
In the Day 1 post, the task was to pick a book relating to positive mental attitude. To expand on that, it can be a book on success or mental improvement, such as the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (a great resource), but it can also be about developing mental tenacity. If you haven’t already, google “books on positive mental attitude” or “books on success” and pick one you are interested in.
TASK: Read at least one chapter in your PMA book.
Are you almost done with it?
Early last week we identified some air filters that are suitable for your family’s needs in your area. We made a note of them and even revisited the subject and made sure. Time to Add to Cart.
TASK: Add the air filters to cart. Purchase the air filters needed.
Amazon Prime memberships are great for this sort of thing. They have a dizzying array of product and free shipping on many items.
Earlier this week we did a tool and equipment assessment. If your finances are able, fill in the tools and equipment you do not have. This includes tools as well as hardware like fasteners and raw materials like 2×4’s and plywood.
TASK: Purchase or otherwise obtain the tools you need. Keep an eye on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist for materials.
Today we take a break from filling 2 liter bottles. Let’s talk about water and what it means to have clean water. Ideally in our bottles we have H2O, only H2O, and nothing else but H2O. In reality, that isn’t the case. We have as couple terminology points:
Purification: Water purification is the act of ensuring only H2O is in our water container. It consists primarily of filtration and disinfecting.
Filtration: The act of passing water through a medium such that impurities are captured by the medium and not allowed to pass though. Real world filtration may not catch all impurities and some viruses are smaller than filter elements. Improper filtering technique can also allow impurities to make it through the system.
Disinfection: The act of rendering impurities in the water inert. Disinfection is primarily done through an additive, such as chlorine tablets or iodine tablets. Ultraviolet light is now becoming more common with sterilization “pens” that are immersed in the container and emit light to kill viruses and other microorganisms.
For the past week we have been assessing our food needs. Today, we are looking at the lists we’ve made. These should be foods and ingredients that are in long term, medium term, and short term categories.
Indefinite term foods might be good for a year or more. Virtually all canned goods are long term foods. dried rice, dry pasta, wheat berries, sugar, honey, and many more ingredients are long term. These are EXCELLENT foods to stock up on.
Long term goods will keep for a week or so, and ideally without refrigeration. Some commercial baked goods like cookies, crackers, butter, syrups, and more fit this category. These are also great items to stock up on for a week of preparedness.
Short term goods will go bad within about a week, especially with loss of refrigeration. Milk, prepared vegetables, breads, and other foods of this nature are short term. These are poor items to “stock up” on, but in the event of an emergency are OK to get prior to, but understand they may not last.
TASK: Stock up on long and indefinite term food item inventory suitable for one person for an entire week. 3 meals a day, 2000 calories each day, and something they identify as “food” (not MREs or other emergency rations that may be alien to them).
TASK: Establish a FIFO (first in, first out) system in your pantry.
The objective is not to have these emergency foods in some bin or set aside. The objective is to have extra foods in your pantry so that if an emergency happens, you have inventory.
This week we made maps to our workplaces and other frequently traveled areas and have been observing useful resources and concerns.
TASK: On your maps, mark main routes as the primary route taken and ensure all resources and concerns are noted. Mark off waypoints along the way and name them. These should be easy to understand features.
Enroll at least one family member in a First Aid, CPR, AED course.